Wed 29 May 2019

Balgores Boost - The new way to market your property

Balgores Boost - The new way to market your property - BalgoresOur news

What exactly is “Balgores Boost”?

You may have seen our numerous marketing campaigns surrounding our new Boost tool, but may still be unsure as to what it actually is. Balgores Boost is market leading, algorithm-based technology for social media advertising.

Why advertise property on social media?

The market place for residential Real Estate has changed dramatically over the last few years and will continue to do so as the digital landscape evolves. To stay ahead, agencies need to be able to reach potential buyers/renters/sellers within the environment they spend the most time on in daily life. People are spending more and more time online and on social media, and less and less time with traditional media outlets like newspapers, radio and TV.

How does social media advertising work?

Imagine you have a food stall at a large event with over 1,000 people, and just 100 flyers to advertise your business to the crowd. You could simply give your flyers to 100 people at random, and hope that some of them are interested. This works in a similar way to creating a standard post on social media.

A slightly more advanced marketing approach would let you target a smaller, slightly more relevant segment of the crowd. Maybe you give your flyers to 100 people at the event who are in close proximity to the food stalls. They’re nearby so could be more interested? This works similarly to a standard promoted post on social media that other agents may do, but ultimately is still not truly effective.

But what if you knew who was hungry? Who usually buys your type of food? Who has brought their own lunch with them? Our Boost tool takes all the information about the audience (not quite their hunger levels though!) and filters the target audience to place your property advertisement in front of the perfect potential candidate for your home – intelligently increasing the chance of your home being shown to your future buyer.

Will Boost help to sell my house?

Yes – we help our clients target a market that is up to 250% larger. Most agencies focus on engaging the 19% of the market who are actively looking to buy or rent a property – these are the people who are already registered to the portals. However, this means that agencies miss out on targeting the large and untapped part of the market - the 51% of people who, according to research, could be interested in moving if the right property was presented to them.

We engage both segments of the market. This increases the number of potential buyers interested in a property, which in turn, can increase the price and shorten the sales cycle. With Boost, we aim for the property to find the buyer, not wait for the buyer to stumble across the property. In short, Boost offers:

  • Exposure to an average of 10,000 people per campaign, with a 10x higher engagement rate than other channels
  • Averafe 17% click-through-rate, compared to a FB real estate national average of 0.98%
  • Reaching an audience size that's 250% larger
  • Reduced selling time of up to 27%*

What do you need to do?

If you're looking to sell your house with the number 1 estate agent in your area, who offers the most sophisticated and advanced way to market your property, please contact your local Balgores agent today.

*Compared to national average

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